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Helix Adhesive Removal

When it comes to using the Helix for adhesive removal, there’s plenty to consider. What tooling should I use? Should I remove my weights? Should I use high or low speed? Don’t worry, we’ve got answers for you!

The Tooling

Install two (2) 7268-2 Carbide Chips on a single 9521 Tooling Holder. Install six (6) of these setups directly to your grind and scrape plate on The Helix®. A complete set of tooling includes twelve (12) 7268-2 Carbide Chips, twelve (12) 9550 Screws, and six (6) 9521 Tooling Holders.

Because of how tough an adhesive removal can be, we suggest bolting the tooling to the grind and scrape plate; the magnets that hold the tooling on are very strong, but they’re still only magnets. To bolt your tooling to the machine, you will need to add six (6) 73081 Helix Safety Screws to your tooling order.

Machine Setup

Machine Speed: Low

Weights: Removed

When it comes to using your Helix for adhesive removal, heat is your enemy. Two ways to decrease the amount of heat generated by the removal are to decrease the weight and decrease the machine speed.


A small amount of cement mix, thin set, or silica sand on the adhesive will make clean-up easier and prevent too much build-up on your machine. Sprinkling one of these materials lightly across your adhesive will cause the removed adhesive to clump together. This prevents too much glue from sticking to your machine and makes clean-up quicker and easier.

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