
Scraping Tile Off the Floor

For the average DIYer tile floors can be removed using simple tools like hammers, chisels, or prybars. When renovation or removal is your day job, a scraper is the solution. But where do you start? Tile scrapers come in dozens of size and power options, and the right equipment will save you time and increase your ROI significantly. 


One of National’s most popular tile scrapers is the 7700 Ride-on Scraper. This powerful machine is powered by 12 200 amp hour AGM batteries, an upsized hydraulic pump and wheel motors. For removing ceramic tile on most jobs, consider a carbide tip shank. The rounded top of the shank helps break tile and move it out of the way as the carbide tip slices through the mortar. In your scraper, position your shank angle so it is almost flat on the ground.


Each rider can be used for tile removal but some excel in specific applications.  For scraping up pool tiles in an outdoor swimming area, the 8000 Ride-on scraper is perfect.  Powerful, and capable of running all day with swappable propane tanks, the tile and mortar comes up easily. After removing the tile, use a heavy-duty flat blade or razor blade for the second step of this process.


On the other side of the spectrum the 5000DL is perfect in a residential setting.  It’s slightly slower speed makes indoor maneuvering safer, and it’s compact size helps reduce impact points indoors.  The power from larger wheel motors and 6 200 amp hour batteries will take up your kitchen tile in a flash.


For smaller spaces or less frequent tile removal jobs, the 6280HD is a great choice for removing tile. Use this machine with the angle shank and the hard goods angle attachment.  This tooling and the pre-set angle of the attachment tool will set you in the sweet spot for clean removal of tile. Again, angle this shank so it is flat on the floor.


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