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7700 Ride-on Scraper

5700 vs 7700 battery scraper

There are a lot of options in the market for battery ride-on scrapers. National proudly manufactures 8 different models of ride-on scraper in battery, electric,

Propane Ride-on Scraper

Propane scrapers

Propane ride-on scrapers are a great option for outdoor projects and jobs that require continual operation. With 8 different models of National scrapers to choose


How do I keep scraper blades sharp?

Sharp scraper blades are key to efficient surface preparation, whether you’re removing adhesive, carpet, or tiles. Dull blades not only slow down the process but

A97 Shot Blaster

How does a shot blaster work?

When it comes to efficient and time-saving surface preparation, shot blasters are a great choice. These machines can clean, prep, and profile surfaces in a

Floor Scrapers

Electric Floor Scrapers

When it comes to removing flooring quickly and efficiently, floor scrapers are a game-changer. Whether you’re a professional contractor or a DIY enthusiast tackling a

shot blaster and dust collector

Which vac do I need?

One of our most frequently asked questions is “Which vac do I need for my shot blaster?”. This question has come up more as OSHA


Scraping Tile Off the Floor

For the average DIYer tile floors can be removed using simple tools like hammers, chisels, or prybars. When renovation or removal is your day job,


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